A New Website

2 minutes

Anybody here?

I got this thought to make my website a very long time ago. A classic idea for a developer, right? However, I could never finish its creation. For a long time, I had some random pages dangling on my domain.

I always wanted to put something interesting there, and as I never truly needed a website, I just played with different things abandoning them later.

Only two attempts were notable. One where I made it work, with some pages and even some interactivity, but it all was weird, as I started trying out some unrelated ideas. «What if I use Python for boring content serving and Rust for a quick API?» (not that I needed this API). I managed to make it work, it was running in Docker for quite a while, but it had zero useful content and almost no value except the experience I got from it.

Another attempt was less successful. «Docker is boring, I wanna learn DevOps and put it in Kubernetes». Well, I managed to run k3s on the server, even make a container inside of it that would assemble other containers according to their build instructions and then put them inside a container registry that was running in the same cluster! Wow, that was cool. I also got this website template working (that you see now). However, by the time I got to implementing auto-deployment and stuff, I was too tired to continue.

Well, and now, I have finally… just launched that existing template on Github Pages. Probably, I should learn to build MVP first, haha.

There was Google Analytics enabled, but I’ve replaced it with Plausible.io. I only need it to see how well my posts are doing to improve them.

I have some projects in mind, and I’d like to share them with people. I already have a telegram channel, but I don’t want to overload it with too geeky stuff, so I’ll probably leave some more or less technical posts for this place.

Thanks for reading, Bye!